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Lesson details

We develop unconscious biases for a wide variety of reasons. It can be confronting to think about your personal biases, but true equity in the workplace (and in society!) can only come when we're able to identify and challenge these biases in ourselves and in others.

In this lesson, Debra Blair will explain how to think about your own unconscious biases, and strategies for challenging these biases to help you create a more inclusive work environment.

What you'll learn in the Recognizing your own personal biases lesson

  • How to identify and unpack your personal biases
  • How to shift your thinking to begin to challenge and dismantle these biases
  • How to prepare your Personal Toolbox for Change

Who the Diversity, equity, and inclusion course is for

This online course is ideal for anyone in the hospitality industry who wants to learn more about what diversity means and how to create an inclusive workplace culture.


Dr. Debra Blair

Temple University Associate Professor, Dr. Debra Blair, is a recognized industry leader in the development of inclusive practices.

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