
EarthCheck is the world’s leading scientific benchmarking, certification and advisory group for travel and tourism. Since 1987, they have helped businesses, communities and governments to deliver clean, safe, prosperous and healthy destinations for travellers to visit, live, work and play. EarthCheck understands the value of big ideas and the importance of clear communication. They know that what can be good for the planet is also good for business.

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Benefits of learning with EarthCheck and Typsy

  • Increase operational efficiency and reduce costs
  • Develop a better understanding of sustainability at home and at work
  • Build confidence in implementing sustainability actions at home and at work
  • Build your business reputation through sustainable action!

How it works

Create your account

Signup to a Typsy account to start learning with your team today!

Start learning

Login and discover EarthCheck courses to strengthen your skills and help you succeed.

Earn digital certificates

Recieve a certificate for every completed course that you can share with your professional network.

Ready to get started?

Create your Typsy account and start learning with EarthCheck


Login and start learning with EarthCheck

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