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Lesson details

Diversity and equity are always worth pursuing and upholding, and the benefits of doing so are significant. But even in a workplace where diversity is valued front-and-center, effecting positive change can be challenging.

In this lesson, you will gain a better understanding of how and why diversity can benefit your workplace and business, as well as how to deal with any obstacles that may arise in creating a more equitable and inclusive workplace.

What you'll learn in the Benefits and challenges of diversity, equity, and inclusion lesson

  • The major benefits of diversity in the workplace
  • How to identify and overcome challenges in cultivating a diverse workplace

Who the Diversity, equity, and inclusion course is for

This online course is ideal for anyone in the hospitality industry who wants to learn more about what diversity means and how to create an inclusive workplace culture.


Dr. Debra Blair

Temple University Associate Professor, Dr. Debra Blair, is a recognized industry leader in the development of inclusive practices.

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