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Lesson details

In the same way our own unconscious biases can be difficult to think about, it can also be challenging to identify personal biases in others, especially in a workplace setting where culture and power structures might make us uncomfortable speaking up. This is why creating a positive work culture is so important - and this can only be achieved when we work together.

In this lesson, Debra Blair will talk through the best ways to recognize other people's personal biases, and the steps you can take to mitigate their impact for a more fair and positive workplace culture.

What you'll learn in the Recognizing personal biases in others lesson

  • How to identify other people's personal biases
  • How to you can shift focus to mitigate the biases of others

Who the Diversity, equity, and inclusion course is for

This online course is ideal for anyone in the hospitality industry who wants to learn more about what diversity means and how to create an inclusive workplace culture.


Dr. Debra Blair

Temple University Associate Professor, Dr. Debra Blair, is a recognized industry leader in the development of inclusive practices.

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