Infrasys - Reporting Basics

Issued by: Infrasys

Reports can help you understand exactly how your business and your staff are tracking. With Infrasys, in a few simple clicks, you’ll have a full overview of exactly how much your business made during the day, which staff member sold the most and more.

In the Reporting Basics badge, you'll learn all the reporting necessities when using Infrasys.


  • How to create a cashier report
  • How to create a cashier settlement report
  • How to create a revenue report
  • How to an exception report

Ready to become a master Infrasys user?

Duration: 5m 12s

Lessons: 4


By watching all the lessons and receiving a pass mark of 80% or more on the quiz, the earner of this credential will show an understanding of the Infrasys reporting functions including creating cashier, settlement and revenue reports.

Expiration: Never